Separation of Powers
JoinedTopics Started by Separation of Powers
Mom says, "CO says there's only 15 years left!"
by Separation of Powers ini don't typically hear from my mom often, but i tell you, over the past couple of weeks, i have heard from her several times.
you heard the comment about "our way of worship will be altered" and thank you for your posts by the way....but yesterday, she calls and is asking about the kids and then, in typical jw fashion mind you, says:.
"you know, you should really get back to meetings.
GB says, "Our way of worship will soon be altered."
by Separation of Powers inmy mom called me yesterday to ask how i was doing.
i hadn't seen her in a while, so it was nice to hear her voice.
we went through the motions of jw small talk and then she started telling me about her co visit from last week.
Death and perspective
by Separation of Powers ini realize today, at this moment in time, at this moment, this exact moment in my life the absolute futility of everything.
i sit here, at this desk, in front of this screen, my head is spinning and my mind wanders through all those moments of interaction with someone who has just left this life.
no, he wasn't a family member, he wasn't even a friend really, an acquaintance, a casual work related interaction.
The Regional visit, better than Seinfeld!
by Separation of Powers inseinfeld was a show about "nothing.
" it had no plot.
no twists.
Weekend of November 15-16 "Outrageous sock day at your local KH!"
by Separation of Powers ini am encouraging everyone here to go out a buy some outrageous socks for next week's meetings.
make a statement!
thank you to poster oppostate for the idea!!!.
November 2015 article- "Boxers or Briefs? The Biblical position on girding your loins"
by Separation of Powers inthere is no room for self-expression in a cult.
this weekend's condemnation fest proved that.
looking forward to the november 2015 article, "boxers or briefs?
Over 1,000,000 in attendance and you are worried about tight pants?
by Separation of Powers inyou know, rarely in the history of the org has a group this large congregated to hear from "mother.
" they incessantly speak of the huge group that met at yankee stadium in 1958...the over 250,000 that congregated to be instructed by jehovah.
but over the weekend, there were over 1,000,000 people excited to hear some type of direction, some type of encouragement, something to help them hang on "just a little longer.".
PROOF that the Watchtower is the TRUTH...Sunday's WT fallacy
by Separation of Powers ini thought the undenable proof was pretty evident in the watchtower study this past weekend.
no war, preaching work, disfellowshipping....yeah, that's pretty convincing evidence.. .
no war?
When did you start getting ANGRY?
by Separation of Powers inwhen i started the fade....i recognize that i was upset, mainly because of the desillusionment.
but, over the course of the past several months, i am noticing an increasing anger toward all thing org.
it can only be described as indignation, not simply upset.